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Best Pawtucket, RI Auto Insurance in 2025

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Maria Hanson

Insurance and Finance Writer

Maria Hanson grew up with a unique passion and understanding of both the automotive and insurance industries. With one grandfather in auto mechanics and another working in insurance, you could say automotive insurance is in her blood. Her love of research and finance serves her well in studying insurance trends and liability.  Maria has expanded her scope of expertise to home, health, and life...

Insurance and Finance Writer

Scott W. Johnson

Licensed Insurance Agent

Scott W Johnson is an independent insurance agent in California. Principal Broker and founder of Marindependent Insurance Services, Scott brings over 25 years of experience to his clients. His Five President’s Council awards prove he uses all he learned at Avocet, Sprint Nextel, and Farmers Insurance to the benefit of his clients. Scott quickly grasped the unique insurance requirements of his...

Licensed Insurance Agent

UPDATED: Nov 13, 2024

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It’s all about you. We want to help you make the right coverage choices.

Advertiser Disclosure: We strive to help you make confident insurance decisions. Comparison shopping should be easy. We partner with top insurance providers. This doesn’t influence our content. Our opinions are our own.

Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about auto insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything auto insurance related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by auto insurance experts.

Looking for cheap auto insurance in Pawtucket, RI? With, you could find the lowest cost insurance rates close to you. To find free car insurance quotes available from the leading providers now, enter your local zip code within the quote box on this site.

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, was once a well-known producer of textiles made of cotton during the US Industrial Revolution. It was even the historical site for the Slater Mill, which was one of the first fully-mechanized mills ever to be constructed within the country. Despite economic hardships over the years, the city is still known for its goods, which include jewelry, lace, and Hasbro toys.

  • Fun fact: Do you like renovating? Because Pawtucket is #46 on the list of “Top 100 cities with oldest houses (pop. 50,000+)”. Intrigued by getting to know more about Pawtucket? Click here!

Auto Insurance Coverage Requirements in Rhode Island

Driving legally in Pawtucket requires:

Coverage Requirements Most Common
Bodily Injury Liability 25,000/50,000 100,000/300,000
Property Damage Liability 25,000 50,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Required (see note above) 100,000/300,000
Medical Payments Not required 5,000
Collision Not required 500 deductible
Comprehensive Not required 250 deductible

If you are still financing your vehicle, your bank lender may require that you add Comprehensive and Collision insurance to your policy. Otherwise, all additional forms of coverage (including Medical Payments and Roadside Assistance) are optional.

Odds are right now that most drivers in Rhode Island are paying around $168 per month for their insurance policy. However, it is possible to get the same or similar coverage in Pawtucket for $78/mo*. Keep reading, and we’ll show you how.

Average Monthly Auto Insurance PremiumsLegend: Pawtucket State Farm Amica Peerless Allstate Nationwide 153045607590105$50$65$77$84$113

State Farm








If you want a competitive rate, you can’t seem to go wrong with either State Farm or Amica. In order to learn more about these companies, as well as their local competitors, you’re going to want to compare as many free quotes online as you can find.

Those who provide auto insurance coverage consider various factors when figuring out insurance prices, like gender, accident claims, type of vehicle owned, the number of years you’ve been driving, and current insurance coverage and limits. On top of that, premiums differ from amongst providers. If you want to find the best available rate, examine cheap Pawtucket auto insurance rates over the internet.

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Major Car Insurance Factors in Pawtucket

When your car insurance agency gets ready to create your insurance policy, they take lots of factors into mind. Some of these, for instance your real age or maybe your exact location, can be not possible to vary. Some additional components are:

Your Zip Code

The place you store your automobile every night will probably have a substantial influence on your auto insurance rate. Typically, auto insurance is less expensive in non-urban regions because the fewer number of cars and trucks means a reduced likelihood that you’ll get into an accident with some other vehicle. The populace of Pawtucket is 71,172 and also the general household earnings are $40,624.

Auto Insurance by Zip CodeLegend: Cranston Pawtucket Providence Warwick East Providence State Farm Amica Peerless Allstate Nationwide 153045607590105120$50$50$50$50$50$69$65$72$63$65$81$77$77$81$77$90$84$121$76$70$122$113$132$104$108

State Farm








Automotive Accidents

As you can see in the chart below, accidents statistics in your area are fairly low. Because of this, insurance providers near you are likely already offering discounted rates. When the roads you drive on are safe, there’s less risk involved, and no need to charge higher premiums.

Fatal Accidents in Pawtucket, RILegend: Pawtucket Fatal accident countVehicles involved in fatal crashesFatal crashes involving drunk personsFatalitiesPersons involved in fatal crashesPedestrians involved in fatal accidents 12345451453

Fatal accident count
Vehicles involved in fatal crashes
Fatal crashes involving drunk persons
Persons involved in fatal crashes
Pedestrians involved in fatal accidents









Auto Thefts in Pawtucket

Even in small cities or rural towns, car theft can nevertheless be a dilemma. To make it a lesser issue for you personally, think about putting in a passive anti-theft system within your current vehicle. Your actual car insurance company may reward you with cheaper costs! Within Pawtucket, there were 347 auto thefts in 2013. This means that thefts are on the rise in the Pawtucket area – which also means you probably need some Comprehensive coverage.

Basic vs. Comprehensive Auto PolicyLegend: Basic Coverage Comprehensive Coverage State Farm Amica Peerless Allstate Nationwide 20406080100120140160180200$50$112$69$151$81$218$90$164$122$154

State Farm








Your Credit Score

Why do auto insurance companies look at your credit score before they determine your rate? Well, the working logic is that people with higher credit scores are more likely to pay their premiums on time each month. This reduces the financial risk for the insurance company, and they reward their customers with lower rates. In the chart below, you can see how drastically different rates can be depending on whether you have excellent or poor credit:

Auto Insurance by Credit ScoreLegend: Excellent Credit Poor Credit State Farm Amica Peerless Allstate Nationwide 153045607590105120135150$42$85$47$124$67$87$63$148$97$154

State Farm








Your Age

Statistically speaking, young and inexperienced drivers are the most likely to get into an accident. That’s why older drivers get charged lower monthly rates – because the insurance company is not taking on a huge financial risk by insuring them. If you are a young teenage driver, try looking into good student discounts, as well as Drivers Ed and defensive driving courses.

Auto Policy Age ComparisonLegend: 34 Year Old 17 Year Old State Farm Amica Peerless Allstate Nationwide 50100150200250300350400450500$50$158$69$313$81$314$90$185$122$505

State Farm








Your Driving Record

In this chart, you can see how much you can save with a clean driving record vs. the much higher rates you can expect to pay if you’ve had a minor traffic citation or committed a serious offense (such as reckless driving or getting a DUI). Some companies may refuse to insure you for serious traffic violations. Other companies may have an “accident forgiveness” policy, which means they won’t charge you higher rates if you have one minor violation on an otherwise perfect record. Contact your insurance provider for more information on accident forgiveness.

Driving ViolationsLegend: Perfect Record Minor Speeding Ticket DUI/Reckless Driving Major At-Fault Accident State Farm Amica Peerless Allstate Nationwide 20406080100120140160180$50$50$50$65$69$86$197$76$81$100$88$100$90$100$129$127$122$123$182$139

State Farm








Your Vehicle

Confused about which vehicles are cheaper to insure than others? Well, so are most insurance companies. But one thing they are very clear on, however, is that more expensive vehicles (such as luxury cars) should be charged a higher premium than your typical, compact sedan. This sentiment is reflected in the chart above, where you can see that carrying auto insurance on a luxury vehicle is significantly more expensive than with your typical sedan.

Car Insurance by Make/ModelLegend: 2015 Honda Accord 2012 Porsche Boxster Spyder State Farm Amica Peerless Allstate Nationwide 50100150200250300$50$140$69$161$81$231$90$196$122$305

State Farm








Minor Car Insurance Factors in Pawtucket

Of course, don’t overlook these other factors, which can also influence your rate:

Your Marital Status

Whether you are single or married, as an individual, your marital status will not influence your monthly rate by more than a few percentage points, if at all. However, married couples can get access to lower rates by bundling their policies together with the same company. You can get further discounts by bundling homeowner’s insurance, or renter’s insurance to your auto policies.

Your Gender

No matter what you may have heard, there is no significant difference in risk between male and female drivers – according to most insurance companies. If your provider charges a different rate at all, it should amount to no more than 2-3%. And some companies reward female drivers, while other providers charge less for males.

Your Driving Distance to Work

In general, the amount of time Pawtucket residents spend commuting from home to work and back again usually falls between 20 and 26 minutes. Of those who drive, more than three-quarters of them will do so using their very own automobile, and 10-16% will carpool.

Driving fewer miles each year, or reserving your vehicle for trips to and from work only, won’t save you much on your monthly rates. The only thing which will influence your price is whether or not you designate your vehicle as “for business” use. Business vehicles are typically charged 10-12% more each month.

Your Coverage and Deductibles

Purchasing more coverage means that your insurance company will, more than likely, charge you a higher monthly rate. You can help offset this cost and make your comprehensive coverage more affordable by choosing to raise your deductible. However, keep in mind that you will have to pay that money upfront in the event of an accident.

Education in Pawtucket, RI

Just under 34% of those living in Pawtucket have not yet successfully completed their high school years, while another 20% have earned their diploma. Education is important to auto insurance providers, however, and can net drivers some serious discounts if they possess an advanced degree.

Pawtucket is only a short commute away from some of the larger cities in Rhode Island, so finding a major university in a neighboring city is not an impossible task. However, there are a few highly specialized schools for those looking to enhance their education close to home. Students can earn a commercial driver’s license from the New England Tractor Trailer Training School, become an aesthetician at the Newport School of Hairdressing, or learn skills essential for the business world at The Sawyer School.

Locating reasonably priced automobile insurance can become a headache. There’s a lot of important information to contemplate, and determining exactly how insurance providers examine your probable risk may well be challenging. But try not to let the wrong insurance agency to convince you to sign up for a second-rate policy.

How We Conducted Our Car Insurance Analysis

*We calculated our average rate based on the following metrics: a married, 34 year old male with good credit, a 12-month history of maintaining auto insurance, a clean driving record, who owns his own home. Miles driven annually were based on the national average. The average rate was also calculated based on a financed 2015 Honda Accord with a pre-installed anti-theft device.


Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation – Insurance Regulation

Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation – Division of Banking – Banks/Financial Institutions

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

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