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Best Grand Island, NE Auto Insurance in 2025

The average rates of Nebraska are about $110 monthly. For Grand Island, NE auto insurance, rates can be provided as low as $24. Three of the best Grand Island, NE auto insurance companies, Liberty Mutual, Farmers, and State Farm offer $21. Getting cheap car insurance in Grand Island, NE will depend on such factors as your gender, marital status, and more.

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Laura Kuhl

Managing Content Editor

Laura Kuhl holds a Master’s Degree in Professional Writing from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Her career began in healthcare and wellness, creating lifestyle content for doctors, dentists, and other healthcare and holistic professionals. In 2018, she started writing for the cannabis industry. She curated news articles and insider interviews with investors and small business ...

Managing Content Editor

Scott W. Johnson

Licensed Insurance Agent

Scott W Johnson is an independent insurance agent in California. Principal Broker and founder of Marindependent Insurance Services, Scott brings over 25 years of experience to his clients. His Five President’s Council awards prove he uses all he learned at Avocet, Sprint Nextel, and Farmers Insurance to the benefit of his clients. Scott quickly grasped the unique insurance requirements of his...

Licensed Insurance Agent

UPDATED: Nov 2, 2024

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It’s all about you. We want to help you make the right coverage choices.

Advertiser Disclosure: We strive to help you make confident insurance decisions. Comparison shopping should be easy. We partner with top insurance providers. This doesn’t influence our content. Our opinions are our own.

Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about auto insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything auto insurance related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by auto insurance experts.

Cheap car insurance in Grand Island, NE is provided by Liberty Mutual, Farmers, and State Farm, each providing rates as low as $21 monthly. Nebraska auto insurance requires residents to have 25/50/25 in liability coverage. Our recommendation: get more than the Grand Island, NE auto insurance minimum to avoid trouble in the future.

Grand Island is located just to the south and east of central Nebraska. It is the county seat of Hall County, the central location for the Southern Power District for the state, and also home to NLETEC, which trains Nebraska law enforcement. As recently as 2010, Grand Island became the new location for the annual Nebraska State Fair.

Fun fact: did you know that Grand Island has won the All-American City award 3 times?

Are you looking for cheap auto insurance in Grand Island, NE? At, you’ll find the lowest cost insurance rates close to you. To acquire free Grand Island, NE auto insurance quotes offered by the best providers right away, enter your local ZIP code in the quote box here.

Grand Island, NE Driving Facts

The auto insurance coverage requirements in Nebraska are:

Coverage Requirements Most Common
Bodily Injury Liability 25,000/50,000 100,000/300,000
Property Damage Liability 25,000 100,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Not required 100,000/300,000
Medical Payments Not required 5,000
Collision Not required 500 deductible
Comprehensive Not required 250 deductible

Keep in mind that different types of vehicles will require different types of insurance policies. If you are driving an older, used car, you might be fine with just the state mandatory minimums. A luxury vehicle, however, will require a great deal more coverage. Even your average-priced sedan, if it’s new, will need more robust coverage.

Most Nebraska drivers are spending about $110 each month, on average, for their automotive insurance policy. But if you live in Grand Island, you won’t have to pay such high prices. You can actually get coverage for as little as $24/mo*!

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Cheapest Car Insurance in Grand Island, NE

Average Monthly Auto Insurance PremiumsLegend: Grand Island Liberty Mutual Allstate Farmers State Farm Nationwide 510152025$21$25$21$21$26

Liberty Mutual
State Farm








Between Liberty Mutual, Farmers, and State Farm [auto] Insurance Grand Island, Nebraska, you may have trouble finding a lower rate in your area. But remember: low rates aren’t everything. Yes, the savings is nice, but what if their customer service stinks? Or what if their claims process is difficult and time consuming? These are important things to investigate before you switch car insurance agencies in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Grand Island, NE auto insurance companies evaluate various elements when figuring out quotes, which include driving experience, accident claims, occupation, years of driving experience, and business use of the vehicle. Also, affordable Grand Island, NE auto insurance could vary from one company to another. To find out if you are still receiving the lowest-cost price, review cheap Nebraska auto insurance prices on the internet.

Major Factors in Cheap Car Insurance in Grand Island, Nebraska

There are a number of many items which may factor into the rate quotes you get. Although many specific details aren’t really something you can do something about, some of them are things that you can change for the better. Here are some factors that might change your auto insurance premium:

Your ZIP Code

Cheap auto insurance is usually associated with metropolitan areas which have a smaller population density. Since there are a lesser number of vehicles on the streets, you will find a lot fewer opportunities to get into a significant crash with another motorist. The population of Grand Island is 50,550 plus the general family earnings are $45,985.

Basic vs. Comprehensive Auto PolicyLegend: Basic Coverage Comprehensive Coverage Liberty Mutual Allstate Farmers State Farm Nationwide 153045607590105120135$21$149$25$83$21$77$21$69$26$62

Liberty Mutual
State Farm








Automotive Accidents

The number of serious accidents in a particular area will significantly influence insurance rates. In Grand Island, as you can see from the chart, the total number of serious accidents isn’t too high…however, it’s slightly higher than other cities with similar populations. This might increase rates in your area. If you have concerns, call your local agent and ask about any Safe Driver discounts which might be available.

Fatal Accidents in Grand Island, NELegend: Grand Island Fatal accident countVehicles involved in fatal crashesFatal crashes involving drunk personsFatalitiesPersons involved in fatal crashesPedestrians involved in fatal accidents 246810473411

Fatal accident count
Vehicles involved in fatal crashes
Fatal crashes involving drunk persons
Persons involved in fatal crashes
Pedestrians involved in fatal accidents








Auto Thefts in Grand Island

Acquiring cheap auto insurance can be hard should you be vulnerable to auto theft. Some common car or truck models tend to be attractive to thieves, as well as motor vehicles which might be left often in big metropolitan areas. The total amount of stolen motor vehicles in Grand Island in 2013 was 104.

Basic vs. Comprehensive Auto PolicyLegend: Basic Coverage Comprehensive Coverage Liberty Mutual Allstate Farmers State Farm Nationwide 153045607590105120135$21$149$25$83$21$77$21$69$26$62

Liberty Mutual
State Farm







Your Credit Score

Your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life. It will determine whether or not you can qualify or get good Grand Island, NE auto insurance rates on many different financial products, including your automotive insurance policy. As you can see in this chart, there are some vastly different rates between drivers with excellent credit, and those with poor credit scores.

Auto Insurance by Credit ScoreLegend: Excellent Credit Poor Credit Liberty Mutual Allstate Farmers State Farm Nationwide 51015202530354045$18$35$24$28$17$45$18$40$23$35

Liberty Mutual
State Farm








Your Age

Older drivers, with their many years of driving experience, are charged much less each month than younger ones. In general, anyone under the age of 25 can expect to pay significantly more. But if you are still in school, you can try to lessen this burden with a Good Student or a Driver’s Ed discount.

Auto Policy Age ComparisonLegend: 34 Year Old 17 Year Old Liberty Mutual Allstate Farmers State Farm Nationwide 20406080100120140160180200$21$91$25$62$21$201$21$94$26$97

Liberty Mutual
State Farm








Your Driving Record

Your driving record is important to car insurance places in Grand Island, Nebraska – if for no other reason than it gives most companies an excuse to drastically raise your rates for having minor driving violations in your recent history. There are some car insurance companies in Grand Island, NE, though, that will give you a break and offer you an “accident forgiveness” discount if you don’t have anything too major on your record.

Driving ViolationsLegend: Perfect Record Minor Speeding Ticket DUI/Reckless Driving Major At-Fault Accident Liberty Mutual Allstate Farmers State Farm Nationwide 5101520253035404550556065$21$28Do Not Sell$32$25$28$32$31$21$26$30$31$21$24$24$26$26$27$66$30

Liberty Mutual
State Farm


Do Not Sell






Your Vehicle

Failing to purchase enough coverage is like going skydiving with a tiny parachute: when the worst happens, it won’t be enough to fully protect you. That’s why expensive luxury vehicles require more coverage options, and in higher amounts. Hence, the drastic difference in monthly premiums which you can see in the chart below.

Car Insurance by Make/ModelLegend: 2015 Honda Accord 2012 Porsche Boxster Spyder Liberty Mutual Allstate Farmers State Farm Nationwide 153045607590105120135150$21$161$25$123$21$94$21$87$26$63

Liberty Mutual
State Farm








Minor Factors in Cheap Auto Insurance in Grand Island, Nebraska

But if you can’t change any of the major factors above, you might consider the following:

Your Marital Status

If you and your spouse aren’t bundled onto the same auto policy, you could be flushing money down the drain. Insurance companies love to drum up business by offering couples the opportunity to bundle their policies together.

Your Gender

According to most insurance companies, men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus when it comes to automobile insurance rates. Since there’s no hard statistical data to prove that either gender is the superior driver, many companies have phased out the practice of charging men and women different premiums.

Your Driving Distance to Work

Thankfully, commute times in Grand Island are relatively short, with most motorists expected to spend anywhere from 13-16 minutes behind the wheel each trip. Nearly 79% of residents prefer to take their own vehicle to work, while approximately 10-20% will likely carpool.

Some insurance companies want you to think that driving less will lower your monthly rates. To an extent, this can be true – if you make some drastic cuts in your yearly mileage. The problem though is that you’d have to cut your miles by 5,000 per year or more just to see a modest discount.

Your Coverage and Deductibles

If you feel like you’re paying too much for your monthly premiums, ask your local agent about raising your deductible. It’s a great way to lower your costs while still maintaining good coverage. Just make sure that you can afford to pay the higher deductible should you need to file a claim.

Education in Grand Island, NE

A large percentage of the population in Grand Island (43%) has achieved a high school diploma. An additional 18% have yet to complete their high school years. For those who are contemplating the idea of furthering their education, here’s an extra incentive you may not have factored in: those with advanced degrees can save a ton of money on their car insurance rates each year. You’ll get lower rates for having an advanced degree than you would with a prestigious job title, or an even more impressive salary.

There are a few options for those Grand Island residents looking to advance their education or obtain a specialized degree. The largest institution is the Central Community College – Grand Island Campus. It is a two-year, public college for continuing and general education. And for the aspiring aesthetician, you might want to look into Joseph’s College of Cosmetology and Barbering.

Sadly for many insurance providers, a fairly easy search on the internet can easily reveal a lot of their industry tricks. But even using the best data, it may still be tricky for anyone as an individual to understand your own risk profile and find the best car insurance in Grand Island, NE. Be sure to do your own due diligence prior to committing to your upcoming automobile insurance policy.

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How We Conducted Our Car Insurance Analysis

*We calculated our average rate based on the following metrics: a married, 34 year old male with good credit, a 12-month history of maintaining auto insurance, a clean driving record, who owns his own home. Miles driven annually were based on the national average. The average car insurance cost was also calculated based on a financed 2015 Honda Accord with a pre-installed anti-theft device.


Nebraska Department of Insurance

Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

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