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Best Grand Rapids, MI Auto Insurance in 2025

Grand Rapids, MI auto insurance is $224/month on average. Car insurance companies in Grand Rapids, MI provide cheap car insurance based on factors, such as age, driving record, and insurance history. As of July 2020, Grand Rapids complied with Michigan's new auto insurance law, banning auto insurance companies from charging rates based on credit scores. You can save money long term when you purchase additional coverages for your Grand Rapids, MI car insurance policy.

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Rachel Bodine

Feature Writer

Rachel Bodine graduated from college with a BA in English. She has since worked as a Feature Writer in the insurance industry and gained a deep knowledge of state and countrywide insurance laws and rates. Her research and writing focus on helping readers understand their insurance coverage and how to find savings. Her expert advice on insurance has been featured on sites like PhotoEnforced, AllWo...

Feature Writer

Tracey L. Wells

Licensed Insurance Agent & Agency Owner

Tracey L. Wells is a licensed insurance agent and Farmers insurance agency owner with 23 years of experience. He is proud to be a local Farmers agent serving Grayson, Georgia and surrounding areas. With experience as both an underwriter and agent, he provides his customers with insight that others agents may not have. His agency offers all lines of insurance including home, life, auto, RV, busi...

Licensed Insurance Agent & Agency Owner

UPDATED: Jan 28, 2025

Advertiser Disclosure

It’s all about you. We want to help you make the right coverage choices.

Advertiser Disclosure: We strive to help you make confident insurance decisions. Comparison shopping should be easy. We partner with top insurance providers. This doesn’t influence our content. Our opinions are our own.

Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about auto insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything auto insurance related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by auto insurance experts.

Can't-Miss Facts

    • Auto insurance rates in Grand Rapids, MI average about $62 each month.
    • On average, Nationwide provides some of the cheapest auto insurance rates in the Grand Rapids, MI area.
    • Michigan requires all drivers to carry bodily injury and property damage liability coverage.

Are you looking for cheap auto insurance in Grand Rapids, MI? Grand Rapids, MI auto insurance rates that you can depend upon are just around the corner.

Drivers searching for cheap car insurance can find competitive premiums from the best car insurance companies in Grand Rapids, MI. Nationwide, Farm Bureau, Allied, Hanover, and Liberty Mutual are considered some of the best Grand Rapids, MI auto insurance companies. 

This article will detail everything you need to know about securing an affordable, quality policy close to home. For example, you will learn how your age, location, and driving record play a part in determining your rates.

Once you feel ready to buy auto insurance in Grand Rapids, MI, simply enter your ZIP code into our FREE online tool. We’ll provide you with instant quotes for cheap car insurance in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

What is the average cost of Grand Rapids, MI auto insurance rates?

Car insurance rates vary by state, city, and company. In Grand Rapids, MI, you’re likely to pay much less than Michigan’s average cost of insurance. But how much will you pay in comparison to the national average? Let’s review the average auto insurance rates in Grand Rapids, MI.

Grand Rapids, MI Auto Insurance Rates vs. Michigan and National Average

LocationAverage Annual Auto Insurance RatesAverage Monthly Auto Insurance Rates
Grand Rapids, MI$2,686$224
National Average$1,548$129

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The national average is much cheaper than Grand Rapids and the state of Michigan. Although your Grand Rapids auto insurance is more expensive, you can find a company that charges you less money for auto insurance per month. Let’s explore auto insurance companies in Grand Rapids, MI in the sections below.

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Comparing Grand Rapids, MI Auto Insurance Companies

Every state is different. So while American Family Insurance might be the cheapest in one state, in Michigan it might be less competitive. Whether you’re considering Auto-Owners Insurance in Grand Rapids, MI or a small, local company, it pays to compare rates.

In some parts of Michigan, insurance can cost as much as $213 per month on average. There is affordable auto insurance in Grand Rapids, Michigan. However, living in Grand Rapids, you can find insurance for as little as $42 per month.

Grand Rapids, MI Average Monthly Auto Insurance Rates by Company

Grand Rapids

Farm Bureau
Liberty Mutual








As you can see from the rates detailed in the chart above, the average monthly insurance rates for Grand Rapids residents comes to $744 a year, or $62 a month. If you’re curious to know who has the cheapest car insurance right now in the area, this data suggests that Nationwide has the best average rates available.

It’s essential to keep in mind that this data is specific to Grand Rapids, so if you’re searching for cheap car insurance in Sterling Heights, MI, you might get some different results.

People often wonder, “Is USAA the cheapest auto insurance?” This company’s rates are always competitive. However, USAA only caters to military families.

Nationwide, Allied and Liberty Mutual offer some of the lowest rates in Grand Rapids right now. But low rates are only a part of getting the best deal on car insurance. For cheap auto insurance in Grand Rapids, MI, you want a company that not only offers an affordable price but also has stellar customer and claims service.

Grand Rapids, MI auto insurance companies consider numerous factors when calculating insurance prices, such as driving experience, ZIP code, type of vehicle owned, commute distance, and theft protection devices.

Additionally, premiums vary from provider to provider. To determine whether you’re still getting the lowest price, go over the cheap Grand Rapids auto insurance rates available online.

Major Factors in Cheap Auto Insurance in Grand Rapids, Michigan

“How can I find car insurance near me?” You should know that several factors may affect Grand Rapids, MI auto insurance quotes.

There’s not too much you can do about some of these factors because they’re tied to Michigan auto insurance laws. However, you have control over some of these elements, which can yield better options.

Here are a few things that may change your auto insurance premium:

Your ZIP Code

In general, the most affordable car insurance is usually found in areas with lower population densities. Since there are fewer vehicles on the road, the chances of getting into an accident are reduced. The population of Grand Rapids is 192,294, and the average household income is $41,669.

Grand Rapids, MI Average Monthly Auto Insurance Rates by City

Sterling Heights
Grand Rapids

Farm Bureau
Liberty Mutual








Automotive Accidents

If you live in an area with a lot of traffic, the odds are that the crash statistics will be higher as well. As you can see from the chart, Grand Rapids had only seven fatal accidents in 2013, which is very low for a city with nearly 200,000 residents.

Grand Rapids, MI Fatal Accident Statistics

Grand Rapids

Fatal accident count
Vehicles involved in fatal crashes
Fatal crashes involving drunk persons
Persons involved in fatal crashes
Pedestrians involved in fatal accidents









Auto Thefts in Grand Rapids

Living in a big city (especially one with a high crime rate) increases your potential for being a target of thieves. Should your general locale have substantial statistics of claims for theft, you’re likely to pay a little more for your auto insurance to attempt to counter the cost of these claims.

According to the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services, 252 vehicles were stolen in Grand Rapids in 2013. The latest FBI auto theft statistics show that Grand Rapids, MI had 270 thefts. Thankfully, auto theft rates in the area are very low. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have comprehensive coverage on your policy.

Grand Rapids, MI Average Monthly Basic vs. Comprehensive Auto Insurance Rates

Basic Coverage
Comprehensive Coverage

Farm Bureau
Liberty Mutual








Your Insurance History

In July 2020, Michigan’s Department of Insurance announced that the state government had passed a new auto insurance law that prevents auto insurance companies from determining rates based on credit score. However, car insurance companies in Grand Rapids, MI, can still charge you based on your insurance history.

Your insurance history is monitored by the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (C.L.U.E)—a database that records your insurance history.

Excellent insurance histories have consistent, timely payments to car insurance and no accidents. Having poor insurance history means your record has accidents, unpaid premiums, or significant traffic convictions (like reckless driving or DUI).

Unfortunately, it can double your monthly car insurance rates. Let’s review the Grand Rapids, MI auto insurance by insurance history.

Grand Rapids, MI Average Monthly Auto Insurance Rates by Insurance History

Excellent Insurance History
Poor Insurance History

Farm Bureau
Liberty Mutual








Your Age

As you can see from the chart below, teenage drivers get charged significantly higher rates. Their youth, as well as their lack of driving experience, make them much riskier to insure. However, teenage drivers can alleviate some of this financial burden by looking into good student discounts or taking additional driver education courses.

Grand Rapids, MI Average Monthly Auto Insurance Rates by Age

34-Year-Old Driver
17-year-Old Driver

Farm Bureau
Liberty Mutual





Do Not Sell



Your Driving Record

Low-risk drivers tend to have blemish-free (or nearly perfect) driving records, so insurance companies tend to charge them lower rates each month. If your record is less than ideal, you should ask your insurance agent about “accident forgiveness” discounts to see if you can save money. For more severe violations, however, your rates might go up significantly — or your provider may refuse to cover you altogether.

Grand Rapids, MI Average Monthly Auto Insurance Rates by Driving Record

Perfect Record
Minor Speeding Ticket
DUI/Reckless Driving
Major At-Fault Accident

Farm Bureau
Liberty Mutual






Do Not Sell


Your Vehicle

Luxury vehicles are much more expensive to insure than your typical sedan. The reason? The extra coverage you have to purchase to protect your investment correctly adds up. After all, you can’t insure a six-figure vehicle with liability coverage alone.

Grand Rapids, MI Average Monthly Auto Insurance Rates Vehicle Make and Model

2015 Honda Accord
2012 Porsche Boxster Spyder

Farm Bureau
Liberty Mutual








Minor Factors in Cheap Auto Insurance in Grand Rapids, Michigan

In addition to those already mentioned, a few more factors can also contribute to your insurance premium cost.

 Your Marital Status

For many years, drivers have been under the impression that your marital status can significantly impact your monthly car insurance premiums. In truth, it depends more on your insurance company than anything. Certain providers charge married couples more, while others might charge less.

Most providers don’t weigh this factor at all – and even if they do, it might not amount to more than a few dollars difference per month. However, married couples can save a great deal of money by bundling their insurance policies together.

Your Gender

Think men are terrible drivers? Well, your insurance provider will most likely beg to differ. Many companies these days are offering the same monthly premiums, regardless of gender. And providers who charge different premiums for men and women only do so by a few dollars per month.

Your Driving Distance to Work

Average work commutes for motorists in Grand Rapids range between 17-26 minutes. Almost 75 percent of workers drive alone to their jobs. Between three and 26 percent carpool.

Some companies will ask you questions about how many miles you drive each year or why you’re on the road in the first place (work, school, pleasure, etc.). But in reality, this may only affect your monthly premium by about one or two percent. Business vehicles, however, have to pay an average of 10 percent more than cars for personal use.

Your Coverage and Deductibles

Adding lots of coverage options makes sense for a more expensive vehicle. However, cars with leer value can save money each month when you stick to a more basic insurance policy.

You can also add a few extra benefits to your coverage and keep your monthly rates low by raising your deductible — just make sure you can afford to shell out the cash if the worst happens.

Education in Grand Rapids, MI

Typically, auto insurance providers like giving lower rates to those who have a higher education. These discounts are even better than those for having a good job, or a high salary. In Grand Rapids, the largest motorists (26 percent) have earned a high school diploma. Just over 20 percent have not graduated high school.

You have plenty of choices when it comes to higher education in Grand Rapids. For a four-year degree, or perhaps something higher, you should look into Central Michigan University or Ferris State University.

Working adults looking to advance their careers should consider the ITT Technical Institute or Grand Rapids Community College.

Regrettably, a basic online search can quickly reveal so many of their business tricks. But even with the help of the correct advice, it could still be challenging to determine your risk profile and find low-cost insurance. Be sure to perform your due diligence before you commit to your auto insurance policy. Keep reading to learn more about auto insurance in Grand Rapids.

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Grand Rapids, MI Auto Insurance Coverage Requirements

Before we tell you who has the cheapest auto insurance in Michigan, let’s go over the legal requirements. This will give you a better idea of what type of policy will work best for you.

Take a look at the following short video explaining the different types of Grand Rapids auto insurance coverage available.

Now that you have a better understanding of how individual factors influence your policy let’s take a look at the minimum requirements you must meet. In short, driving legally in Grand Rapids requires:

Michigan Auto Insurance Coverage Requirements

Auto Insurance CoverageMI Coverage RequirementsMost Common Coverage Amounts in MI
Bodily Injury Liability20,000/40,000100,000/300,000
Property Damage Liability10,000100,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily InjuryNot required20,000/40,000
Medical PaymentsNot required5,000
CollisionNot required500 deductible
ComprehensiveNot required100 deductible

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Liability insurance may be a good and economical way to insure an older, easily replaceable vehicle. But if you have a newer automobile, you may want to think about additional coverage. After all, liability won’t pay out on claims for things like weather damage, and it won’t cover damage to your vehicle.

It would be advisable to get more than the minimum coverage to avoid finding yourself with a bigger problem or even seeing your totaled car sent off to Insurance Auto Auction Grand Rapids, Michigan. Continue reading to learn about other auto insurance coverages that save you money in the long run. 

5 Grand Rapids, MI Auto Insurance Coverages that Promote Long-Term Savings

Liability-only insurance can save you money per month. However, getting into an accident where you’re at-fault will leave you without a car and a mountain of medical costs. Check out these coverages to learn how they can save you money.

Collision Coverage

When you add collision auto insurance to your policy, it will cover any damage to your vehicle regardless of fault. If your car is a total loss, your auto insurance company will compensate you for the vehicle’s value.

If you’re financing the vehicle, your car insurance company will cut a check to the lender. Without collision coverage, you’ll have to find a way to get another car if you’re at fault. 

Most finance companies require customers to carry collision and comprehensive coverage whenever you finance a car. Continue reading to learn about comprehensive coverage. 

Comprehensive Coverage

Under comprehensive insurance, you’ll be covered from accidents that don’t involve a collision. Comprehensive auto insurance covers fires, floods, falling objects, and even damage from vehicle theft. 

With liability-only insurance, you’ll have to pay out of pocket for damages to your vehicle from accidents. You will save more money in the long term if you invest in comprehensive coverage. 

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Some accidents can leave you bed-ridden for weeks. That’s where personal injury protection comes in. PIP pays for injuries, child care, and lost wages after an accident regardless of fault. Liability-only car insurance only covers the other person. And if all you have is liability-only insurance, you could pay more out-of-pocket expenses. 

Medical Payments (MedPay)

Ask your auto insurance company about MedPay. This will save you money on medical bills. Healthcare can be expensive. Without health insurance, you could pay hundreds of dollars to recover from an accident. MedPay can save your bank account and increase your saving in the long term. 

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UIM/UM) Coverage

If you’re not at fault in an accident, you could save yourself a lot of trouble by having uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage pays for the remaining bodily injury and property damage costs when an at-fault driver doesn’t have car insurance. You can also be covered if you’re in an accident with a hit-and-run driver.

Underinsured motorist coverage pays for bodily injury and property damage of an at-fault driver that doesn’t have enough on their coverage limits to pay for the total cost of damage.

UIM/UM coverage protects you from other drivers that don’t have enough insurance or no insurance at all. This will guarantee that you can pay for damages and recover. 

Grand Rapids Auto Insurance That Is Affordable

Every city is different, even those in the same state. That’s why searching for cheap car insurance in Detroit, MI will yield different results than if you search for the most affordable car insurance in Grand Rapids, MI.

Grand Rapids, named after the Grand River that runs alongside the town, was first settled by the Dutch in its early history. Because of its convenient location beside a major river and plentiful forests, it quickly became an economic powerhouse for the logging industry.

This eventually evolved into furniture manufacturing, and to this day, Grand Rapids is still a famous producer of office furniture.

Finding a favorable auto insurance policy starts with having a firm understanding of the basics. Educating yourself eliminates the need to individually search for car insurance quotes from companies like MetLife [auto insurance] Grand Rapids, MI, Auto-Owners Insurance in Grand Rapids, MI, Esurance, State Auto Insurance Grand Rapids, MI, or Progressive [auto] Insurance Grand Rapids, MI.

Once you know the ins and outs of how policies are determined, you’ll learn how Grand Rapids auto insurance differs from other areas of the country. For instance, Grand Rapids has much cheaper insurance compared to LA insurance rates.

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How We Conducted Our Auto Insurance Analysis

We calculated our average auto insurance rates based on the following metrics: a married, 34-year-old male with good credit, a 12-month history of maintaining auto insurance, a clean driving record, who owns his own home. Miles driven annually were based on the national average. The average rates were also calculated based on a financed 2015 Honda Accord with a pre-installed anti-theft device.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to secure an affordable Grand Rapids, MI auto insurance policy, enter your ZIP code in our FREE online tool. We’ll help you to find and compare auto insurance quotes in Grand Rapids, MI.

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